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发布者:     发布日期:2011年09月05日 08:33     点击数:

科研 发表于: 2011-09-05 08:33  点击:2044


    英国经济与社会研究理事会(Economic and Social Research Council,简称ESRC)项目申报的通知已发布,详情请阅读通知。有意申报该理事会项目的老师请务必在2011年9月26日前申报。


提交部门:   提交时间:2011-9-5 8:19:26 字号:   




    英国经济与社会研究理事会(Economic and Social Research Council,简称ESRC)是英国五个面向社会公开资助科学研究的政府机构之一,也是英国在经济和社会科学方面最大、最主要的领域研究资助机构。ESRC的项目资金支持在商业、公共事业和社会组织等领域中具有影响的、独立的高水平研究。


The Department for International Development (DFID) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) just announced a third call for applications under Phase 2 of their strategic partnership to provide a joint funding scheme for development research. £7 million is set aside for this third call.

The second phase of funding retains the overall 'poverty alleviation' theme from the first phase, and applications under this broad heading will still be eligible. However, ESRC and DFID have identified three thematic areas for this call where work will be of particular interest. These areas are:

    • Resource Scarcity, Growth and Poverty Reduction;

    • Information and Communication Technology and Development;

    • Measuring Development.

As well as research excellence, researchers must identify the potential impacts of their research on policy and practice and actively consider how these will be maximised and developed.

The deadline for applications is 16.00 on 27 September 2011.

Applications are invited for projects with a fEC value of between £100,000 and £500,000.

This scheme is open to UK and non-UK researchers based in higher education institutions, research organisations and organisations with a credible research capacity.


ESRC-DFID Joint Scheme for Research on International Development

(Poverty Alleviation) Phase 2 Call 3


(Please see all details through the above web link)







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